Monday, 4 February 2013

Wales Wails

It's been a bad weekend. After Pontypool's heavy defeat by Blackwood on the Friday night, I thought that at least we could look forward to a decent performance from Wales against Ireland. To start with, the match was like a rerun of the events of the previous night. Pontypool didn't turn up in the first half and were losing 37-0 at half time, Wales didn't turn up either and were losing 3-30 early in the second half. Game over, in both cases. In fairness to Wales, they did wake up in the second half and scored three tries but they had left themselves far too much to do. The problem with our power game is it takes many phases and a long time to score. Gone is the Shane magic that could change a game in a flash.
Then England took to the stage and looked purposeful and professional against the spirited but out-gunned Scots. You can just hear the looms starting up for the grand slam teeshirts, jumpers and ties.
If Wales were  50% bad then the French were 75% bad and appeared far too nonchalant. By contrast, the Italians scrapped for everything and showed no little skill in recording yet another famous victory. An Italian grand slam, now that would be something.
Back to Wales and the outpouring of nostalgia in the Daily Telegraph and The Guardian over the weekend. It was like reading an obituary for Welsh club rugby with Pontypool RFC to the fore. It really did make sad reading and we all muttered, 'I remember when...'
I think we all realise that the glory days of Welsh club rugby are gone and will never return. The WRU don't really seem to care as long as they keep filling the Millennium Stadium - but wait, even that is now proving difficult! You can't help feeling that the clubs would do better if they had their own governance structure and could organise the leagues and cups in a way that suited them better. Let the regions and the international teams plough their own furrows and stop the WRU interfering and making incessant changes to the club structure that only seem to make matters worse.
Looking forward, it's France in Paris next week. Will Wales make any changes? A few changes in the forwards would help - Ryan Jones at 6 if fit, Paul James at prop, Ken Owens at hooker, Warburton and Tuperic to play a half each. We keep being told that the backs pick themselves but surely there has to be room for someone with a bit of speed off the mark or someone who can actually beat a man with guile. This could be at scum half (Williams), outside half (Hook) or at wing (Walker). Wouldn't it be great to have someone like O'Driscoll who could take men out of the game by picking the right pass? That is just an impossible dream (this is a GH free zone!). I don't suppose there will be many changes even though the length of the losing streak is becoming embarrassing.

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